- 美America
- 美的esthetical
- 欧美occident
- 上帝喜欢原本的你,但又太喜欢了,所以不能让你一直那样。God loves you just the way you are, but too much to let you stay that way.
- 欧美的Euramerican
- 升起在琐碎上面的你的眼睛而且跟随在你里面的伟大的路径。Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the greatness that is within you.
- 美人belle
- 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 中美China-USA
- 当你用的你鼠标点击这些链接后,就可以访问到梵蒂冈博物馆的网站了。When you click your mouse on a link, you access the web server for the Vatican Museum.
- 阿佛洛狄忒爱与美的女神The goddess of love and beauty.
- 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.
- 貌美的personable
- 玫瑰欣然开放的时节。佯装不知的你,送我这些明丽的花朵,然后道别。Come the day when the roses bloom. Pretending not to know, you made those splendid flowers mine and said goodbye.
- 英美的anglo-american
- 不美的unattractive
- 代价是极度痛苦,它将在最终被付出。被支配的你饱受折磨,痛苦却与你为友。Agony is the price That you'll pay in the end Domination consumes you Then calls you a friend It's a twisted fall.
- 表现了创造性世界,大天使以及在希伯来人上帝名称中的你它相应合适的杯子。Briah: Representing the creative world, the Archangelic, and thee in the Hebrew Name of God. It corresponds to the Suit of Cups.
- 当亨利初次约会的对象结果是晚会上最美的姑娘时,轮到亨利来取笑我们大家了。Henry had the laugh on all of us when his blind date turned out to be the prettiest girl at the party.
- 每天早上就会想起什么真正重要的你你就会有机会组织你花一天时间,让你有什么重要。Each morning you'll be reminded of what's truly important to you, and you'll have the chance to organize your day so that you spend time on what's important.