- 蛇鹈一种长颈(蛇鹈)属鸟,嘴尖利,生活在美洲热带和亚洲带的沼泽地区Any of a genus(Anhinga) of long-necked birds having a sharp, pointed bill and inhabiting swampy regions of tropical and subtropical America.
- 蛇鹈snakebird
- 蛇鹈科Anhingidae
- 蛇鹈鸟snakebird
- 蛇鹈属Anhinga
- 蛇鹈,一种长颈(蛇鹈)属鸟,嘴尖利,生活在美洲热带和亚洲带的沼泽地区any of a genus(Anhinga) of long-necked birds having a sharp,pointed bill and inhabiting swampy regions of tropical and subtropical America
- 蛇鹈一种长颈(蛇鹈)属鸟,嘴尖利,生活在美洲热带和亚洲带的沼泽地区Any of a genus(Anhinga)of long - necked birds having a sharp,pointed bill and inhabiting swampy regions of tropical and subtropical America.
- 浅绿色的美洲大蛾子,后翅有长尾,前翅有新月形斑点。large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing.
- 白蛇传Tale of the White Snake
- 鹈鸟snakebird
- 杯弓蛇影be jittery with imaginary fears
- 鹈燕Diving petrel
- 大蛇anaconda
- 鹈形目Pelecaniformes
- 唐鹅追杀令/鹈鹄案卷th Pelican Brief
- 虚与委蛇deal with sb. courteously but without sincerity
- 鹈形目的pelecaniform
- 这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。The child was frightened by the snake.
- 具鹈形目特征的pelecaniform
- 那条蛇轻快地向猎物游去。The snake glided smoothly towards its prey.