- 美洲苦木[医] quassiae lignum
- 五蕊美洲苦树bitterbush
- 草grass
- 美洲苦木属脂Picramnia fat
- 苦草任一种大叶藻属的水下水生植物Any of several submersed aquatic plants of the genus Vallisneria.
- 苦bitter
- 草的herby
- 有机溶剂胁迫下苦草生理指标的变化Physiological Changes of the Submerged Plant-Vallisneria Spiralis under Organic Solvents Stress
- 四叶草clover
- 熏衣草lavender
- 苦的brinish
- 樱花草primrose
- 皮草furs
- 良药苦口bitter pills have a wholesome effect
- 吃草browse on
- 苦行penitentially
- 月见草evening primrose
- 用心良苦have given much thought to the matter
- 草绿grass green
- 冥思苦想contemplate