- 自怨自艾repent one's errors
- 艾灸moxibustion
- 苦艾酒vermouth
- 浅绿色的美洲大蛾子,后翅有长尾,前翅有新月形斑点。large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing.
- 艾条moxa roll
- 苦艾wormwood
- 艾米整个上午一直开着她的收音机,我希望她该休息了。Amy has been playing her radio all morning. I wish she'd give it a rest.
- 期期艾艾stammer; stutter
- 艾窝窝Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)
- 艾米一动不动站在那里,并紧盯着入口。Amy stood riveted to the spot and gazed at the entrance.
- 艾(surname)
- 他在哈艾大街开业做烟草零售商。He set up shop as a retail tobacconist in the High Street.
- 艾色釉sage green glaze
- 艾炙moxibustion
- 艾杆门帘mugwort stalk door curtain
- 艾篙moxa
- 艾酒absinth
- 艾卷moxa roll
- 艾里半径Airy disk radius
- 艾里假说Airy hypothesis