- 美洲条纹狼鲈Morone saxatilis(Walbaum)及其杂交种引进我国养殖的可行性探讨A Study on Feasibility of Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis(Walbaum) and Its Hybrid Species Introduced into China for Aquaculture
- 狼鲈油bass oil
- 美洲狼蛛[医] American tarantula
- 狼鲈Dicentrarchus labrax(L)养殖技术Culture Technique of European Seabass,Dicentrarchus Labrax Linne
- 中大西洋湾和南新西兰水域的犬齿牙鲆,菱体兔牙鲷及黑海狼鲈渔业The summer flounder, scup and Black Sea bass fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight and Southern New England waters
- 浅绿色的美洲大蛾子,后翅有长尾,前翅有新月形斑点。large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing.
- 鲈common perch
- 引狼入室bring in a troublemaker
- 热带美洲一种优美的单子叶棕榈属。a monocotyledonous genus of graceful palm trees in tropical America.
- 开小白花或绿花的美洲杂草。an American weedy plant with small white or greenish flowers.
- 天狼Sirius
- 雄鸟羽毛夏季呈黄色的美洲雀鸟。American finch whose male has yellow body plumage in summer.
- 鬼哭狼嚎let loose cries and scream
- 他们去捕河鲈。They went fishing for perch.
- 美洲原住民;印第安人Native American
- 狼烟rocket
- 海鲈jewfish
- 谁最早发现美洲大陆?Who first discovered America?
- 母狼bitch
- 白鲈white trout