- 美德定将战胜邪恶.Virtue will prevail against evil.
- 美德定将战胜邪恶。Virtue will prevail against evil.
- 善良将战胜邪恶。Good will prevail over evil.
- 如蒙捐助,定将报以衷心的感谢。All donations will be gratefully received.
- 美德a virtue
- 战胜prevail
- 绑定binding
- 女子正在为善良战胜邪恶而祈祷。the woman is praying for good to conquer evil.
- 在另一方面,一种文化如果忽略了家庭,或视家庭为无关重要的制度,结果定将造出一些更劣等的产品。On the other hand,a civilization which ignores the home or relegates it to a minor position is apt to turn out poorer products.
- 他是具有高尚美德的人。He is a man of sublime virtue.
- 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。He crushed a piece of chalk to powder.
- 锚定anchoring
- 【谚】敢于梦想,一切都将成为可能。If we dream, everything is possible.
- "如果没有什么阻碍的话,这项任务将提前完成。"The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents.
- 他们已给合同定了期限。They had set a term to the contract.
- 她将围裙系在腰间。She tied an apron around her waist.
- 起程的日期定了吗?Has the departure date been fixed?
- 他将城市发展建议提交市议会。He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.
- 像这类电影的一贯结局一样,善良战胜了邪恶。As is usual in this kind of movie, good triumphs over evil in the end.
- 他喀嚓一声将棍子折成两半。He snapped the stick in two.