- 纽约式芝士蛋糕New york style cheese cake
- 士knight
- 斗牛士matador
- 炼金术士alchemist
- 她在蛋糕上撒了一层巧克力。She covered the cake with chocolate sprinkles.
- 披头士unkempt person
- 她通常在周末买些蛋糕混合料。She often buys some cake mixes on weekends.
- 劳力士Rolex
- 孩子们很快把蛋糕吃完了。The children made short work of the cakes.
- 小贴士note
- 再吃些蛋糕!你要长胖些。Have some more cake! You need fattening up a bit.
- 泰晤士Times
- 您再来一块蛋糕好吗?Would you care for another piece of cake?
- 佳士得Christie
- 请把蛋糕切成十块。Please cut the cake into ten pieces.
- 她把蛋糕切成四份。She cut the cake into quarters.
- 多士炉toaster
- 蛋糕上稍许撒了些糖。The cake is lightly sprinkled with sugar.
- 这蛋糕中加香料了吗?Have you spiced this cake?
- 吉士粉custard powder