- 透视美国选举人团制An Exploration of the Electoral College in the United States
- 试析美国的选举人团制度A Tentative Exploration into the Electoral College System of the United States
- 美国United States
- 美国总统选举人团制度评析Analysis on Electoral College in US Presidential Election
- 总统选举人团制度Presidential Electoral College
- 美国选举的热闹场面the American electoral circus
- 改革选举人团的几种方案Reform Options for the Electoral College
- 美国的stateside
- 美国选举日Election Day [1st Tuesday following 1st Monday in Nov.]
- 在美国stateside
- 美国人American person
- 选举人团令人担心的几点Concerns With The Electoral College
- 美国总统Chief Executive
- 选举人通过寄选票进行选举Election where the voter send their ballot papers by post
- 谁可参加美国选举投票?Who can vote in the U.S. Presidential elections?
- 仲裁人团panel of arbitrators
- 美国选举迎来广告大战Why Say Something Nice? US Elections Bring Out Attack Ads
- 大家一致同意她作选举人She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group.
- 美国英语Americanese
- 选举人对非原定候选人投的选票A vote cast by writing in the name of a candidate not on the ballot.