- 美国United States
- 绿背纸币green back
- 绿背美纱green back
- 花背蟾蜍Bufo raddei
- 绿背山雀Parus monticolus
- 花背蟾蜍蝌蚪Bufo raddei larvae
- 美国的stateside
- 在美国stateside
- 美国人American person
- 藤柄锦鸡绿背毛毛帚golden pheasant green back feather with rattan handle
- 花背蟾蜍胃肠的血供研究A study of the blood supply on gastrica and intestine of Bufo raddei
- 美国总统Chief Executive
- 蟾蜍toad
- 竹柄锦鸡绿背毛毛帚golden pheasant green back feather with bamboo handle
- 美国英语Americanese
- 美国政府U.S. government
- 花背蟾蜍繁殖生态研究A Study on Ecology of Breeding Population of Bufo Raddei in Changchun City
- 新绿verdure
- 美国国会U.S. Congress
- 草绿grass green