- 美国United States
- 国家环境保护局State Bueau of Environmental Protection
- 公安部、国家环境保护局关于在非必要场所停止再配置哈龙灭火器的通知Circular on Stopping Distribution of Halon Fire Extinguishers at Non-necessary Places
- 国家环境保护局是国务院环境保护行政主管部门,对全国环境保护工作实施统一监督管理。The National Environmental Protection Agency is the competent environmental protection administration agency under the State Council,whose task it is to exercise overall supervision and administration over the country's environmental protection work.
- 美国国家海域Territorial sea of the United States
- 美国国家安全局National Security Agency (NSA)
- 利益与价值观的权衡--冷战后美国国家安全战略的延续与调整Weighing Between Benefit and Value Concept-- Extension and Adjustment of State Security Strategy of U. S. A. After the Cold War
- 美国国家安全US National Security
- 美国国家美术馆National Museum of the American Arts
- 使用火箭来发的闪光评估佛罗里达美国国家的闪电探测网络特性An evaluation of the performance characteristics of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network in Florida using rocket-triggered lightning
- 美国国家盲人联盟Organization of blind people in this country is the National Federation of the Blind
- 和美国国家植物园United States Botanic Garden Conservatory
- 由美国国家安全署United states nati security agency, nsa
- 美国国家规格协会AALA: American Association for Laboratory Accreditation ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- 拥有美国国家政府首脑职责的人。the person who holds the office of head of state of the US government.
- 美国国家实验室American national laboratory
- 美国国家丙烷气协会National Propane Gas Association (NPGA)
- 美国国家质量奖the American National Quality Award
- 美国国家广播协会The US National Association of Broadcasters
- 美国国家档案馆National Archives and Records Service