- 美国United States
- 大批的人来到设在国家广场和国会大厦的西草坪上的帐篷里,Large crowds visited tents on the National Mall and the West Lawn of the Capitol Building.
- 数千人不畏风雨聚集在国家广场(家大草坪)悼念马丁路德金。Thousands braved the wind and rain to gather on the National Mall to pay tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
- 美国国家海域Territorial sea of the United States
- 美国国家安全局National Security Agency (NSA)
- 利益与价值观的权衡--冷战后美国国家安全战略的延续与调整Weighing Between Benefit and Value Concept-- Extension and Adjustment of State Security Strategy of U. S. A. After the Cold War
- 美国国家安全US National Security
- 美国国家美术馆National Museum of the American Arts
- 使用火箭来发的闪光评估佛罗里达美国国家的闪电探测网络特性An evaluation of the performance characteristics of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network in Florida using rocket-triggered lightning
- 美国国家盲人联盟Organization of blind people in this country is the National Federation of the Blind
- 和美国国家植物园United States Botanic Garden Conservatory
- 由美国国家安全署United states nati security agency, nsa
- 美国国家规格协会AALA: American Association for Laboratory Accreditation ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- 拥有美国国家政府首脑职责的人。the person who holds the office of head of state of the US government.
- 美国国家实验室American national laboratory
- 美国国家丙烷气协会National Propane Gas Association (NPGA)
- 美国国家质量奖the American National Quality Award
- 美国国家广播协会The US National Association of Broadcasters
- 美国国家档案馆National Archives and Records Service
- 仅仅在一代之内,重大悲剧在世界上两度发生,美国国家的良心感觉不安。Twice in a single generation, major tragedy had come to the world, and America's national conscience felt uneasy.