- 美国军舰已派往该地区.American warships have been dispatched to the area.
- 大批部队被派往该地区去镇压叛军游击队。Large numbers of troops were sent into the territory to crush the rebel guerrillas.
- 部队已派往那个地区。Troops have been dispatched to the area.
- 当日晚间,发生叛变的希腊军舰已被忠诚的希腊水兵占领。On the evening of the same day the mutinous Greek ships were boarded by loyal Greek sailors.
- 联合国部队被派往该地执行停战协定。U.N troops were sent there to enforce the truce
- 当日晚间,发生叛变的希腊军舰已被忠诚的希腊水兵占领。On the evening of the same day the mutinous Greek ships were boarded by loyal Greek sailors.
- "基地"组织海湾地区的行动负责人,此人曾谋划在我国驻东非地区使馆和美国军舰"科尔"号上制造爆炸事件;the chief of al Qaeda operations in the Persian Gulf, who planned the bombings of our embassies in East Africa and the USS Cole;
- 更多的英国部队已派往前线。More British troops have been sent to the front.
- 若保险单已明确规定了目的港,但船舶不驶往该目的港,而驶往任何其他目的港时,保险单不承保该风险。Where the place destination is specified in the policy, and the ship, instead of sailing for that destination, sails for any other destination, the risk does not attach.
- 一个由美国资助的项目旨在整修发电站及升级传输线,该项目得到优先发展,但已于去年夏天该地区变得很不安全时停工。An American-financed project to refurbish the power station and upgrade the transmission lines is a development priority but work stopped last May when the area became too insecure.
- 淮北地区小麦wheat in Huaibei
- 軍艦已派往該地區。Warships have been dispatched to the area.
- 美国已把它的航队派往世界各地,这是事实。It is a fact that the U.S.A. Has sent its fleet to all parts of the world.
- 据联合经济委员会的报告,美国现役军人中近一半的女兵都被派往了伊拉克或阿富汗,目前已达到24475人。Nearly half of all women in theactive-duty militaryhave been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, and 24,475 women are there now, the report by the Joint Economic Committee said.