- 管理management
- 美国United States
- 美国供应我们这些物质。America supplies us with the materials.
- 管理器manager
- 资源管理器explorer
- 对向美国供应电池所应遵守的法律事宜Complying with the Law When Supplying Batteries to the USA
- 同时,供应管理协会(ism)今天发表的调查报告显示,美国服务业六月的产值也告增加,虽然增加的速度没有五月快。In the meantime, a survey report released by ISM today shows that there is also an increase in output value in the US service sector, though the pace of increase is not as fast as that in May.
- 信息管理information management
- 美国的stateside
- 在美国stateside
- 企业管理business management
- 管理的managing
- 美国人American person
- 巴克斯证实大约一半肝磷脂由美国供应。Baxter accounts for about half the U.S. supply of heparin.
- 管理人员manager
- 供应管理supplies management
- 何国富(本栏是新加坡股票交易所和新加坡投资管理协会联办的公众教育计划。Stewart Aldcrof(This column has the support of Investment Management of Singapore and the Stock Exchange of Singapore.
- 基于地理信息系统灾害救援军队药材供应管理信息系统设计Design of military medical supply management information system of urban disaster relief on the basis of geography information system