- 我们一直获美国传统基金会评为世界上最自由的经济体系。We have been consistently rated as the freest economy in the world by the US-based Heritage Foundation.
- 美国United States
- 美国传统单位和它们的米对应量U.S. Customary units and their metric equivalents.
- 传统基金会The Heritage Foundation
- "传统基金会""Annual B.C. Lee Luncheon Lecture to the Heritage Foundation"
- 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.
- 美国的stateside
- 基金会a foundation (i.e., an organization)
- 在美国stateside
- 莫斯科传统基金会的总裁沃尔克告诉本台,尽管要举行这些会议,他认为这些领导人齐聚莫斯科的重点是参加庆典。Despite all the meetings, the director of Moscow's Heritage Foundation, Yevgeni Volk, tells VOA he expects the ceremonies will be the main focus of the gathered leaders.
- 美国人American person
- 美国总统Chief Executive
- 载重汽车,卡车美国传统词典。Pl. Lor. RiesChiefly British A motor truck.
- 在马来西亚港口城市槟榔屿,传统基金会的志愿者已经保住了几座古庙和其他建筑,并且引发了公众对保护传统的关注。In Penang,volunteers at the Penang Heritage Trust have saved some old temples and other buildings and sparked public interest in conservation.
- 美国英语Americanese
- 美国政府U.S. government
- 联合国儿童基金会United Nations Children's Fund
- 美国传统辞典Heritage Dictionary
- 当这个城市的基层民间组织传统基金会去年2月发现一家银行打算拆掉一幢重要的装饰派艺术风格的大楼时,建筑师哈托诺写信向报纸揭露了此事。When the city's Heritage Foundation,a grass-roots group,discovered last February that a bank planned to tear down an important deco building,architect Dibyo Hartono wrote to the newspaper.