- 美因河畔法兰克福动物园Frankfurt am Main City Zoological Garden
- 在美因河畔的法兰克福上大学绝对是最贵的。Mit Abstand am teuersten ist das Studium in Frankfurt am Main.
- 香肠从古代起就有人制作。在其发源的城市中出现过好几种做法:美因河畔法兰克福的法兰克福香肠、波隆那大腊肠和罗马的香肠。"Sausage has been known since ancient times. Some varieties came to be known by their city of origin: the frankfurter from Frankfurt am Main, Bologna from Bologna, the wiener from Vienna (Wien)."
- 美America
- 欧美occident
- 美人belle
- 按时计费制
- 美的esthetical
- 布兰登,加拿大马尼托巴省西南部一城市,位于温尼伯西部阿西尼博因河畔。是工业和交通中心。人口36,242a city of southwest Manitoba,Canada,on the Assiniboine River west of Winnipeg. It is an industrial and transportation center. Population,36,242
- 中美China-USA
- 达因dyne(unit of force in CGS system)
- 美金dollar
- 唯美aestheticism
- 彼得因逃学受到训斥。Peter was skinned for playing truant.
- 美白whiten
- 他因不识字而吃亏。He was handicapped by illiteracy.
- 她因他的冷漠而变得不快。She was soured by his indifference.
- 美酒excellent alcohol
- 他因酒后开车被起诉。He was prosecuted for drunken driving.
- 美语American