- 美味delicious
- 美味的yum
- 悠远a long time ago
- 悠远的distant
- 美味佳肴delicious food
- 她想起了悠远的往事。She recalled the events of the distant past.
- 山川悠远mountains and rivers far, far away
- 在野营中吃了两星期的罐头食品,现在我真想吃一顿象样的美味饭菜。After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal.
- 悠远的往事events of the distant past
- 美味小吃tabnab
- 梦缠绵情悠远。Dream is lingering.Love is a long time ago.
- 她调制美味的汤。She concocts wonderful soup.
- 本片有著深长悠远,如歌的步调。The film has a long-breathed, lyric pace.
- 悠远老街风情。Timeless Old Street with Classical Folk Custom.
- 琼能在半小时内变戏法似的做出一顿美味的饭菜。Jean can conjure up a good meal in half an hour.
- 鱼子酱及其他美味食品caviar and other delicacies
- 浑厚悠远的定音鼓Wonderful Kettledrum of the Remote Past
- 我为你煮些美味鱼汤。I'll boil up some nice fish soup for you.
- 巫舞历史悠远,影响深广The soccer dance had a long history and profound influence.
- 猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious.