- 美America
- 像这样刮风天,真不能不令人想到许多使人焦燥的事。I can't ever get to sleep before two or three in the morning, and Im always awake before It's light.
- 欧美occident
- 美人belle
- 黄国武在营造他的朦胧美人系列时,喜爱把美人与蝴蝶放在一起。His beauty is dreamlike, like Sleeping Beauty; but his butterflies are very distinct and lifelike.
- 美的esthetical
- 美人指Manicure Finger
- 殊品,完人,绝代佳人:卓越无比的完美事物或美人;完人。A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon.
- 多圣洁的美人!what heavenly peaches!
- 令人惊叹的美人a breathtaking beauty
- 她年轻时是个有名的美人.She was a famous beauty in her youth.
- 历尽沧桑一美人Elena et Les Hommes
- 参加舞会和一见肯特州的美人,对于特普曼先生是强有力的引诱。The temptation to be present at the ball, and to form his first impressions of the beauty of the Kentish ladies, was strong upon Mr. Tupman.
- 就是他笔下的美人,也如死尸一般,象是活人身上敷了一层云石。Even his beautiful women are described as though they were corpses; they are like human beings with marble poured over them.
- 她可是个大美人啊。She's quite a beauty.
- 百里挑一的美人an exceptional beauty
- 她真是个美人。She really is a vision.
- 美人,漂亮的人One that is pretty.
- ‘美人指’葡萄'Manicure Finger' grape
- 英雄才能配美人。None but the brave deserve the fair.