- 抱得美人归。Canadian ice dancers Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz perform their second long program.
- 采摘绿色的橄榄,用盐水浸泡;用甘椒填充橄榄较罕见。olives picked green and pickled in brine; infrequently stuffed with e.g. pimento.
- 椒麻鸭掌Duck web with pepper and chili
- 一群美人儿A bevy of beauties.
- 豉椒龙虾Fried lobster with fermented soya beans and chili
- 你是个绝色美人。You are such a dish.
- 醋椒活鱼Stewed live fish in chili and vinegar
- 醇酒美人Vintage wine and women-sensual pleasures
- 椒麻肚片Spied tripe with chili sauce
- 华裔美人an American of Chinese extraction
- 朵椒Zanthoxylum molle Rehd.
- 竹叶椒Chinese wild pepper
- 石椒草Boenninghausenia sessilicarpa
- 五脉地椒fiveribbed thyme herb
- 红椒皮red chilli skin
- 椒酱肉mixed meat with chili
- [医] 崖椒Zanthoxylum mantschurium Benn.
- 椒籽Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Seeds
- 藤椒Zanthoxylum Sehinifolium et Zucc
- 椒子牛肉Sliced beef with green chili