- 梦神Morpheus
- 好奇的双眼,追寻着美丽的梦。All my dreams pass before my eyes in curiosity.
- 在梦神之臂中In the Arms of Morpheus
- "回首往事仿佛是一个美丽的梦。"希拉里说道。"It's like looking back on a beautiful dream,"she says now.
- 梦to dream
- 她在这桩婚事上,一定已给自己编织了一个美丽的梦。She must have made some original romance for herself in this marriage.
- 他带着一个甜蜜的梦从床上起来,希望圣诞节合家团聚。He gets up with a sweet dream, hoping to have a family reunion at Christmas.
- 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。She fingered the fine silk.
- 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。She preferred a good landscape to a portrait.
- 怎样使神所赐的梦变为真实,以致你活出超乎你想像,荣耀。And that is where this ministry comes in. Hopefully we will help you to make your God-given dreams come true.
- 这城市有许多美丽的公园。This city has many beautiful parks.
- 那颗宝石有美丽的闪光。The jewel has a beautiful shimmer.
- 酒政便将他的梦告诉约瑟说:“我梦见在我面前有一棵葡萄树,So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream. He said to him, "In my dream I saw a vine in front of me
- 从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。The hill commands a fine distant view.
- 不详的梦a prophetic(al) dream
- 美丽的景色使我想起了自己的家乡。The beautiful scenery carried me back to my hometown.
- 怪诞的梦fantastic dream
- 他极目远眺美丽的河山。He looked afar to the beautiful hills and rivers.
- 神要求某类行动的梦。Dreams where the Gods were demanding some type of action.
- 美丽的月夜a beautiful moonlight night