- 假花瓣petalode
- 假suppose
- 巨蟹Cancer
- 假的pseudo
- 蟹crab
- 真假true and false
- 巨蟹座cancer
- 假说hypothesis
- 大闸蟹hairy crab
- 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。She fingered the fine silk.
- 玫瑰花有许多花瓣。A rose has many petals.
- 假睫毛false eyelashes
- 我们面前呈现出一派美丽景色。A beautiful view unfolded before us.
- 一片花瓣a flake of flower
- 她长得美丽非凡。She was a lady of singular beauty.
- 这段时间,他不得不请几天假。During the period he had to take several days off.
- 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。She preferred a good landscape to a portrait.
- 香辣蟹Sautéed Crab in Hot Spicy Sauce
- 假人dummy
- 这城市有许多美丽的公园。This city has many beautiful parks.