- 美America
- 小城镇跨上千里马一亿农民喜安家One hundred million farmers, glad to settle down in new homeland
- 杰克和哈里在军营里合铺。Jack and Harry bunked together at camp.
- 但是,平原国家也会经常感觉到地震,因为从震源发出的震波往往可以传出上千里。But quakes may often be felt in level country,too,because the waves which come from the center of a quake run often for thousands of miles.
- 欧美occident
- 她和南希在大学里合住一处。She and Nancy roomed together at college.
- 欲longing
- 合集union
- 美人belle
- 美的esthetical
- 宗教著作的一个合集A collection of sacred writings.
- 中美China-USA
- 意欲conation
- 分集diversity
- 高中毕业后不几天,玛丽亚就同朋友一道搬到了纽约城,俩人在一间肮脏的公寓里合睡一张床垫。Just days after graduating from high school, Mariah moved to New York City with a friend,where they shared a mattress on the floor of a dingy apartment.
- 集群colony
- 色欲lust
- 美金dollar
- 不合not conform to
- 集线器hub (network)