- 罪与罚应相当.The punishment should fit (ie be appropriatefor) the crime
- 罪与罚应相当。The punishment should fit (ie be appropriatefor) the crime.
- 然后,城里有一位法官走上前说:请跟我们讲一讲罪与罚吧。Then one of the judges of the city stood forth and said, Speak to us of Crime and Punishment.
- 罪与罚crime and punishment
- 本文对《罪与罚》这部作品从三个方面来探讨其艺术特色。This article analyses "Crime and Punishment" and examines Dostoevsky's artistic creation in four aspects.
- 惩罚应相当于其罪行。The punishment shall correspond to the offence.
- 报应retribution
- 陀斯妥耶夫斯基小说《罪与罚》中的人物,他杀死老太太,因为他认为自己超越善恶。A fictional character in Dostoevsky's novel'Crime and Punishment',he kills old women because he believes he is beyond the bounds of good or evil.
- 罪sin
- 在这种表示法中,晶体应相当于许多螺旋线的平行排列。In the present representation this crystal would correspond to a parallel array of helices.
- 他们受赏与罚的双重因素所激励。They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward.
- 对应关系corresponding relation
- 其他应收款receivable other
- 被罚have one's gruel
- 征用财产的补偿应相当于该财产当时的实际价值,可自由兑换,不得无故迟延支付。Such compensation shall correspond to the real value of the property concerned at the time and shall be freely convertible and paid without undue delay.
- 受赏与罚的双重因素所促使的.motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward
- 罪有应得the punishment is well deserved
- 这本书孩子们应仔细阅读学习。It's a book that children should read deeply in.
- 骨骼与附着于其上的肌肉部分保持相当紧密的关系。The skeleton bears a fairly strict relationship to the mass of the muscle which is attached to it.
- 罚息default interest