- 音news
- 听音audition
- 和音chord
- 音的phonic
- 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods.
- 调音modulation
- 他研究希腊和罗马神话。He studies Greek and Roman mythology.
- 吸音sound-absorbing
- 你去过罗马吗?Have you ever been to Rome?
- 单元音monophthong
- 他继续在罗马大学教授刑法。He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University.
- 混音audio mixing
- 罗马人把征服范围扩大到了不列颠。The Romans extended their conquests to Britain.
- 音轨sound track
- 弦外之音an implied meaning
- 调音台sound mixing desk
- 提示音prompt tone
- 爆音sonic boom
- 走音detonieren
- 试音audition