- 在中间,是一个巨大的创作空间和表手臂主持之前为尼古拉椅子和其它一些人给观众。IN the middle of the room was an enormous writing table and an arm chair before it for Nicholas, and other chairs for those to whom he gave audience.
- 保罗格勒骠骑兵团上校舒伯特今天在我们这儿吃午饭,他在这儿度假,要把尼古拉带走。Schubert, the colonel of the Pavlograd Hussars, is dining with us today. He has been here on leave and is taking Nicholas back with him.
- 五five
- 五年前的今天:罗马教皇保罗二世在他第四次朝拜的最后一天,在巴尔的摩的金莺公园庆祝此次集会。Five years ago: On the final day of his fourth US pilgrimage, Pope John Paul the Second celebrated Mass at Oriole Park in Baltimore.
- 五号the fifth
- 1965年的这一天,罗马教皇保罗6世下令赦免犹太人对耶酥犯下的罪刑.In 1965, Pope Paul the Sixth issued a decree absolving Jews of collective guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
- 五金hardware
- 拉伸stretching
- 罗马教皇pope
- 五个five
- 考拉koala
- 罗马教皇的圆形铅质的印章。the round leaden seal affixed to a papal bull.
- 国王乔治五世King George V
- 罗马教皇的使节或代表A papal ambassador or representative.
- 离开卡洛斯五世宫殿后,我们参观了一个具有穆斯林风格建筑的宫殿。Leaving Palacio de Carlos V, we went to visit a muslin style palace.
- 罗马教皇的间谍Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican
- 她还得到了哈康父母,即挪威国王哈拉德五世和王后桑佳的支持。She has the support of Haakon's parents,King Harald V and Queen Sonja.
- 罗马教皇的权力是至高无上的。The papal authority is sovereign.
- 罗马教皇职位(天主教)教皇的职位、权力或任期;罗马教皇统治The office, jurisdiction, or tenure of a pope; the papacy.
- 因此查理五世的城廓也遭受菲利浦·奥古斯都的城廓的命运。So Charles V.'s wall suffered the fate of that of Philip Augustus.