- 夏天许多人穿凉鞋。Many people wear sandals in the summer.
- 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods.
- 我脚上穿着凉鞋。I wear sandals on my feet.
- 他研究希腊和罗马神话。He studies Greek and Roman mythology.
- 鹿皮凉鞋.deerskin sandals
- 你去过罗马吗?Have you ever been to Rome?
- 露脚趾的凉鞋open-toed sandals
- 他继续在罗马大学教授刑法。He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University.
- 穿着凉鞋的脚sandalled feet
- 泡沫塑料凉鞋cellular plastic sandal
- 罗马人把征服范围扩大到了不列颠。The Romans extended their conquests to Britain.
- 我花了两分钱就把一只凉鞋修好了。I got my sandal fixed on the spot for only two cents.
- 我们可以比较汉朝和罗马。We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans.
- 欧美奢华高跟凉鞋Ladies sexy high heel Sandals
- 一位傲慢的罗马贵族a perky Roman patrician
- 冰之女皇魅力凉鞋Charisma Sandal of Ice Queen
- 罗马数字的0Roman numeral for 0
- 夏天我喜欢穿凉鞋。I like to wear sandals in the summer.
- 罗马标枪A Roman javelin.
- 宗教:罗马天主教和俄罗斯东正教为拉脱维亚主要教派。Religion: Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox are the predominant religions in Latvia.