- 《罗纳德·里根--一位美国英雄》序 南希·里根Ronald Reagan: An American Hero(Prologue, by Nancy Reagan)
- 罗纳德Ronald
- 《罗纳德·里根--一位美国英雄》序南希·里根Ronald Reagan: An American Hero(prologue, by Nancy Reagan)
- 那个人和里根像是一个模子打出来的,他一定很引以为傲。That man is the spitting image of Ronald Reagan. He must be very proud.
- 里根被选为美国第三十二任总统。Reagan was elected as the thirty-second President of the United States.
- 罗纳德·里甘REGAN, Donald T.
- 他们选里根为总统。They elected Reagan as President.
- 你该结束对罗纳德的溺爱了,让他去和其他孩子玩吧。It's time you stopped wrapping Ronald in cotton wool and let him play with other children.
- 罗纳德的神奇世界Ronald in the Magical World
- 里根与脑血肿Ronald Reagan and Hematoma
- 孩子被取名为罗纳德。The baby was named Ronald.
- 里根妙语集锦Ronald Reagan: In his own word
- 罗纳德·德沃金Ronald Dwokin
- 里根革命Reagan Revolution
- “若不能控制外债的增长还将会影响到生活水平”(罗纳德·布朗斯坦)"Failing to control the growth of international debt will also constrain living standards" (Ronald Brownstein)
- 不知你有什么话对里根总统说?Do you have any message for President and Mrs.Reagan?
- 罗纳德只能以直球回击。Ronald could only play a straight return.
- 这个里甘一直不理睬里根。This guy Regan could sit out this guy Reagan.
- 罗纳德·斯坦利·莫里斯MORRIS, Ronald Stanley