- 网network
- 服装网购apparel online shopping
- 后悔权Regret fight
- 欧洲最新五金产品网购价格On-line Price of Hardware Products in EU
- 她喜欢网购,而且经常招募网友团购。She likes online shopping and often recruits fellow Web consumers to buy in a group.
- 赠与人的撤销权为民法撤销权体系中的特例之一,它实际上应被称为“撤回权”,并具有后悔权的意义,在性质上更类似于解除权。As an exception of the system of right of revocation, the right of revocation of the donator should be named by "right to recall the declaration of will at-will" and means that the donator enjoys the right to regret.
- 6月8日-《哈利·波特与混血王子》打破网购预定记录。June 9th - JK places a "John Doe" injunction on Half-Blood Prince.
- 权证warrant
- 网迷network fan
- 内网Intranet
- 话语权right of speech
- 导购shopping guide; guide-purchases
- 电脑网computer network
- 三权分立separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers
- 换购purchase on a barter basis; barter
- 网的retiary
- 选择权option
- 请购to request the purchase
- 网关gateway
- 知情权right to know