- 管理员manager
- 大学教育资助委员会及网站管理员保留随时删除留言之权利。The UGC and the webmaster reserve the right to remove messages at any time.
- 内容提供者细分为四个小类,都可由网站管理员设置指定。Within this broad classification of content providers are four specific roles, which can be assigned by the site administrator. Those roles are;
- 系统管理员system administrator
- 我是网站管理员,有问题建议请直接给我留言,别犹豫哦。I'm the administrator of this website, pl don't hesitate to send me your questions or suggestion.
- 网络管理员network administrator
- 图书管理员librarian
- 网站构建之前,每一个网站管理员都需要决定布局方法。Before building a site, every webmaster has to make a decision on what layout method to use.
- 仓库管理员godown man
- 器官网站上涌现出许多乐善好施的人。Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans.
- 宿舍管理员houseparent
- 档案管理员filing clerk
- 网站管理员周末不上班The web administrators do not work on weekends
- 数据库管理员database administrator
- 学生宿舍管理员houseparent
- 街道停车管理员的职责是什麽?What are the duties of a traffic warden?
- 图书馆管理员librarian
- 那个管理员很认真。The janitor is very conscientious.
- 图书管理员告诉那个学生他该还书了。The librarian told the student that he should return the book.
- 管理员了解学校大楼的详细情况。The janitor knows all the ins and outs of the big school building.