- 缩脚疽pedal carbuncle
- 缩脚痧eruptive pedal spasm
- 这样的别扭拙劣之处,也许是由于无意中用了重复和脚韵等文学手法所引起的。Such awkwardness may be caused by accidental use of literary devices, such as repetition and rhythm
- 缩脚肠痈akinesia with intestinal abscess
- 缩脚流注abscess of iliac fossa
- 韵rhyme
- 缩脚隐痰hipjoint tuberculosis
- 缩放比例scaling
- 头韵alliteration
- 洗脚footbath
- 缩略图thumbnail
- 热缩pyrocondensation
- 脚轮trundle
- 引脚pin
- 缩合condensation
- 脚踏foot pedal
- 缩率minification
- 管脚pin
- 缩孔shrinkage cavity
- 从头到脚from head to foot