- 同时,按照该期权的行权价格与时间价值之和,确认继续涉入形成的负债。At the same time, it shall recognize the liability formed by its continuous involvement in accordance with the sum of option exercise price and the time value.
- 相关期权行权的,应当在行权时,将继续涉入形成负债的账面价值与行权价格之间的差额计入当期损益。For the relevant option exercise, the difference between the book value of the liability formed by its continuous involvement and the exercise price of option shall, when exercising the option, be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period.
- 第十八条企业因卖出一项看跌期权或持有一项看涨期权,使所转移金融资产不符合终止确认条件,且按照摊余成本计量该金融资产的,应当在转移日按照收到的对价确认继续涉入形成的负债。Article 18 If an enterprise fails to satisfy the conditions to stop the recognition due to it sells a put option or holds a call option, and it measures the financial asset at the amortized cost, it shall recognize the liability formed by its continuous involvement in the light of the consideration it receives on the date of transfer.
- 他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.
- 再继续resumption
- 员工福利在集体议商制定时,公司的福利专业人员应积极涉入参与.Collective bargaining of employee benefits should involve corporate benefit professionals.
- 再入reentry
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。"I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。""Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- 是否曾经欺骗家人、治疗师或其他人以隐瞒实际对网络涉入的深广程度?Have you lied to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet?
- 救援人员不屈不挠地继续工作。The relief workers kept soldiering on.
- "现在我把你们交给海伦。海伦,请继续!""Now I pass you over to Helen. Come in, Helen!"
- 她将草莓盛入碗中。She dished the strawberries into the bowl.
- 他继续进行棉花期货交易。He continued his operations in cotton futures.
- 他将一支手枪悄悄地放入口袋。He slid a pistol into his pocket.
- 她继续眺望景色。She continued her survey of the landscape.
- 产出应和产入成比例。The output should be proportional to the input.
- 在空格处填入适当的代词。Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns.
- 稍稍停顿一下后演讲者继续讲下去。After a brief pause the speaker continued.
- 在这之后,他继续致力于研究工作。After that he continued to devote himself to research work.