- 继续to continue
- 如阁下于本行持有存款户口,请注明任何一个用以上签署的存款户口号码。If you have any deposit account in Dah Sing Bank, specify any one deposit account number to which the above signature can apply.
- 就算股市下滑,你也应该继续持有那些绩优股。You should hold on to those blue-chip stocks even if the market is going down.
- * 如阁下于本行持有存款户口,请注明任何一个用以上签署的存款户口号码.If you have any deposit account in Dah Sing Bank, specify any one deposit account number to which the above signature can apply.
- 未实现收益通过继续持有资产,而不将资产套现然后使用获得的资金所得的收益Unrealized Gain A profit that results from holding on to an asset rather than cashing it in and using the funds
- 未实现损失通过继续持有资产,而不将资产套现然后使用获得的资金所得的损失。Unrealized Loss A loss that results from holding on to an asset rather than cashing it in and officially taking the loss.
- 持有hold (e.g. passport, views, etc.)
- 继续努力persist with
- 继续进行proceed with ...
- 继续的continuative
- 持有人holder
- 你的存款四月三日到期。Your deposit matures on April 3rd.
- 继续地right along
- 她靠存款过日子。She lived on her savings.
- 再继续resumption
- 继续做get on with
- 持有者holder
- 继续工作work on
- 持有的possessory
- 继续下去hold up