- 给他一次应有的机会.give him a fair crack of the whip
- 我不敢肯定校长是要开除他还是再给他一次机会。这完全是个说不准的事。I'm not sure whether the headmaster will throw him out or give him a second chance. It's a complete toss-up.
- 给他一次应有的机会。Give him a fair crack ofthe whip.
- 他请求总理准许给他一次会面的机会。He requested that the Premier grant him an interview.
- 你为什么不给他一次机会呢?他正在跃跃欲试,想向你证实一下他的能力Why don't you give him a chance? He's itching for a chance to show you his abilities
- 如果这件东西值二十五分,而你给他一美元,应找回七十五分的零钱。If it costs25 cents and you give her an American dollar you should get75 cents change.
- 他一次也没有错过挥杆左曲球、右曲球和推杆的机会。Not once did he ever miss a shot, never a hook or a slice, never a missed putt
- 生活的其他方面全被忽视了;甚至没有人想到要教给他吃饭时应有的规矩。All the other phases of his life were neglected; no one even bothered to teach him table manners.
- 也许你该再给他一次机会。Perhaps you should give him another chance.
- 就在他启航那一刻,她寄给他一封绝交信。She sent him a Dear John letter just as he put out to sea.
- 给他一次讲话的机会。Give him a chance to say something.
- 这时,他虚弱疲劳,他的医生警告他一次长途演说旅行可能致命。He was now weak and exhausted, and his physician warned that a long speaking tour might take his life.
- 他一听到有人打电话给他,就停止阅读,把书放在一边。He stopped reading and put up the book as soon as he heard that he was wanted on the telephone.
- 我决定给他一次机会。I determined to give him a chance.
- 我们给他一件礼物,但他不肯接受。We give him a present,but he does not accept it.
- 他又来了,他一发言我双腿就抖,看来他很喜欢在员工面前演讲,一次机会都舍不得放过。Here he comes again. My feet tremble at his speaking. He seems to enjoy making speech in front of staff not to spare one such opportunity.
- 我想再给他一次机会。I'd like to give him another chance.
- 罗瑞先生在人群中塞给他一张纸条。Mr. Lorry handed him a paper through the throng.'
- 他几次设法要想逃出窘境,可是那老人的眼睛老盯住他,于是他一次又一次地露了马脚。He made several efforts to creep out of his scrape, but the old man's eye was upon him and he made blunder after blunder.
- 给他一次机会。Give him a break.