- 社会经济改革的政策。a policy of socioeconomic reform.
- 政治、社会和经济改革的计画。A new deal programme of political, social and economic reform.
- 经济economy
- 经济改革的重要性.the importance of the economic reform.
- 重要性importance
- 会上他发言支持经济改革。He spoke for the economic reform at the meeting.
- 反对派们威胁要马踏改革的支持者们,试图以此来冲散集会。Opponents would try to break up meetings by threatening to ride down supporters of reform.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 经济的economical
- 谈改革和发展野战护理的重要性On Ground of Preparation for Fighting, Importance of Reform and Development in Field Nursing
- 五、党政工密切配合加大学校内部管理体制改革的步伐。Party, administration and labor union cooperate closely, increase the reform step of school internal administrative system control.
- 经济发展economic development
- 俄罗斯政治和经济改革Political and Economic Change in Russia
- 随着国有企业改革的深化,金融制度的改革将进一步进行。With the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises,the reform of the financial system will be further advanced.
- 世界经济global economy
- 他是改革的有力支持者。He was an effective supporter of reform.
- 经济衰退(economic) recession
- 改革的趋势是改变不了的。So no one can alter the trend of reform.
- 我们必须认识到发展经济的重要性。We must realize the importance of developing our economy.
- 另一份奏章是关于教会改革的。Another paper was on church reform.