- 经济学界聚焦通货紧缩的对话A Dialogue of Focusing of Deflation in the Economic Circles
- 马克思主义经济学在西方经济学界The Response to Marxian Economics in the Western Economic Circles
- 评西方经济学界关于劳动价值论的争论Comment the Educational Circles Dispute about the Working in the Value Theory of West Economy
- 西方经济学界货币政策透明度理论研究述评Comments on Theories of Monetary Policy Transparency in Western Economic Circles
- 埃德蒙·菲尔普斯获得了经济学界最高荣誉Edmund Phelps earns the economics profession's highest accolade
- 评"三多三少"--兼论对当前我国经济学界的评价Comment on"Three-in-More and Three-in-Less"--A Concurrent Analysis of the Evaluation to Chinese Economy Educational Circles
- 西方经济学界对于性别视角的家庭内部资源分配研究评述A Review of Intra-Household Resource Allocation Analyses in a Gender Perspective in Mainstream Economics
- 通货紧缩的原因与危害--西方经济学界关于通货紧缩问题的论述Causes and negative effects of deflation--On the theories of deflation problem in western economic circles
- 城市经济学界部分学者还将其列为理论前沿,有的学者撰文认为城市经营犹如企业经营。Multiform discussion, communication & publication of academical thesis made the city economist consider it as the theory foreland.
- 关于社会必要劳动时间的含义,早在20世纪20年代初,原苏联的经济学界就有不同的看法。In the twenties of 20th century, there are many different apprehensions on the social necessary labor-time in Soviet.
- 负所得税制度首先由美国芝加哥大学的米尔顿·弗里德曼提出,后来又在西方经济学界得到了发展。The system of negative income tax was firstly proposed by Milton Friedman of Chicago University, and developed by economists in the west later.
- 本周,不知何故地一再延迟之后,对这位无畏、坚定的理论家,经济学界终于为那个“自然水平”发出了喝彩。This week, after an unaccountably long lag, professional acclaim for this bold, purposeful theorist finally converged on its natural rate.
- 保罗·A·萨缪尔森是当今世界经济学界的巨匠之一,他所研究的内容涉及经济学的各个领域,是世界上罕见的多能学者。Paul Anthony Samuelson is one of the great masters in the present world economics, and also is an infrequent generalist in the world who studied various fields of economics.
- 人力资本理论是当代西方发展经济学的主要理论之一. 马克思理论中有没有关于人力资本方面的理论或见解,经济学界很少有人探讨.Human capital theory is one of the major theories of western development economics, but it is seldom discussed by the economists whether there is human capital theory in Marxism or not.
- 银行危机与货币危机在 1 997年亚洲金融危机发生后成为经济学界的重要研究课题 ,从亚洲的经历来看 ,二者是同进同退的 ,但这个现象具有普遍性吗 ?The interrelationships between the banking crisis and currency crisis,the so-called twin crises,have drawn renewed attention after the Asian financial crisis in 1997.From Asian Asian experience we can see there are comovement between the two crises.
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