- 即使如此,中国的整体经常帐盈余,也是巨大的。Even so, China's overall current-account surplus is also huge.
- 分析家指出,日本的经常帐盈余在现阶段可能会持续扩增。Analysts pointed out that Japan's current account surplus may continue to grow for the current period.
- (法新社东京电)日本官员今天说,受到对美国与亚洲地区出口活跃的助长,日本五月份经常帐盈余增长超过一倍,写下连续第八个年盈余成长纪录。(AFP, Tokyo) Japanese officials said today that encouraged by the brisk export activity in the United States and Asian region, Japan's current account surplus more than doubled in May, setting a record of eight straight years of surplus growth.
- 帐户(bank, computer, etc.) account
- 帐号account number
- 帐tent
- 帐单bill
- 转帐transfer money from|into an account
- 不经常的noncyclic
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。""How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 帐目score
- 帐款funds on account
- 流水帐waste book
- 两国的经常项目也享有盈余。Thailand's and Korea's current accounts are also in surplus.
- 报帐render an account
- 这继而导致了经常账户盈余。This, in turn, has generated current account surpluses.
- 明细帐itemized account
- 帐簿account book
- 查帐audit
- 帐本account books