- 关于车辆购置税最低计税价格的几点思考Vehicle Purchase Surcharge at Lowest Price
- 纳税人应税消费品的计税价格明显偏低又无正当理由的,由主管税务机关核走其计税价格。Where the taxable value of the taxable consumer goods of the taxpayer is obviously low and without proper justification, the taxable value shall be determined by the competent tax authorities.
- 价格price (pc.)
- 含税价格price including tax
- 组成part
- 不含税价格duty-unpaid price
- 公式中的“消费税比例税率”,是指卷烟生产企业销售卷烟的实际价格或核定的计税价格所适用的比例税率。The " consumption tax rate" refers to the actual sales price or the deemed sales price for tax purposes for cigarette manufacturing enterprises.
- 组成的compositive
- 不计except
- 价格表price list
- 计入reckon in
- 计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Composition
- 补税pay a tax one has evaded
- 计件by the job
- 市场价格market price
- 个税Individual Income Tax
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 销售价格sale price
- 进项税input tax
- 硬度计sclerometer