- 值得商榷的聚合物分子量分布宽度指数表达式The Expression of Breadth Parameter of Molecular Weight Distribution in Polymer Deserving to be Discussed
- 组成分布composition profiles
- 族组成分布carbon number distribution
- 指数index
- 组成part
- 宽度width
- 分布distributed
- 组成分布曲线[电] component distribution curve
- 慢性系统疾病性贫血红细胞分布宽度分析To Analyse Red Blood Cell Distribution Width of Anemia of Chronic Systemic Disease
- 组成的compositive
- 上证指数Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange
- 指数的exponential
- 组成分布函数composition distribution function
- 红细胞体积分布宽度在贫血诊断中的临床意义Clinic significance of red blood cell volume distribution width in anemic patients
- 指数函数quantity in the exponent
- 股票指数share index
- 计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Composition
- 均匀分布homogeneous distribution
- 钢筋混凝土变截面箱梁横向受力有效分布宽度分析The Effective Distribution Width of the Transverse Internal Force in R-C Box Girders with Varied Section
- 饱和烃组成分布composition and distribution saturated hydrocarbons