- 组内比较,异丙嗪浓度为5,15 mg/kg时比浓度为45 mg/kg时抑制MPT值减小的作用更为显著(P<0.05)。In the same group,the effect of promethazine(5,15 mg/kg)was more obvious,compared with 45 mg/kg(P<0.05).
- 内internal
- 组to form
- 第1天与第3天、第15天各组组内比较,差别有显著性(P<0.05); 第一天与第7天比较,除复方2号组外其余各组组内比较,均差别有非常显著性(P<0.01);Comparison of on day1 with on day 7 for HB had a significant difference (P<0.01) in each group but the group B.P<0.05 for comparison of HB between the day 3 and the day15 in the group A and group C.
- 各组髓核组织内新霉素抗性基因表达水平比较:绿色荧光蛋白细胞移植组及BMP-绿色荧光蛋白细胞移植组术后1,3,6个月组间及组内比较,差异均无显著性意义(P>0.05)。Comparison of the level of neomycin resistance gene in the nucleus pulposus tissues of each group: There was no significant difference between the GFP transplantation group and BMP-GFP cell transplantation group at months 1, 3 and 6(P > 0.05).
- 内的inner
- 一组platoon
- 内网Intranet
- 组图picture group
- 内置internal
- 站内instation
- 群内比较in-group comparison
- 内向diffidence
- 是全球范围内比较权威的广告团体机构。America Association of Advertising Agency.
- 组内inter block
- 三种缬草属植物的缬草素类含量种间和种内比较Interspecific and Intraspecific Comparison of Valepotrates Contents in Three Valeriana Plants
- 善用此功能,能在短时间内比较低的计算量的基础上,生成良好的画面。Cleverly balanced low GI-settings in combination with a good Details Detection can create a great looking image in the least amount of time.
- 一组连续的数字时间片段,每一数字时间片段在组内的位置可参考帧同步信号来标识。A set of consecutive digit time slots in which the position of each digit time slot can be identified by reference to a frame alignment signal.
- 任何特定的成份都能确定为组内其他成份相关的对映体。Any particular member can be specified as being enantiomeric in relation to the other members of the set.
- 年内比较瞩目的火灾包括:一月二十五日在尖沙咀一幢商业大厦内一间卡拉OK发生的三级火警,导致17人丧生及13人受伤;Notable fires during the year included: a No.3 alarm in a karaoke establishment in a commercial building in Tsim Sha Tsui on January 25, claiming 17 lives and 13 injuries;