- 纹缕儿lines; grain
- 几张沙发和椅子,上面包的马鬃布满是一条条忽而暗淡忽而发光的纹缕。The furniture is covered with horse-hair woven in alternate dull and glossy stripes.
- 几张沙发和椅子,上面包的马鬃布满是一条条忽而暗淡忽而发光的纹缕。The furniture is covered with horse-hair woven in alternate dull and glossy stripes.
- 底纹shading
- 纹line
- 纹身tattoo
- 虎妞脸上的神情很复杂:眼中带出些渴望看到他的光儿; 嘴可是张着点,露出点儿冷笑; 鼻子纵起些纹缕,折叠着些不屑与急切;The expression on Tigress' face was mixed. Her eyes betrayed a certain longing to see him, yet her lips were parted. in a faint sneer while the wrinkling of her nose suggested both disdain and anxiety.
- 金缕梅witch-hazel
- 一缕头发quiff
- 纹章heraldry
- 细纹fine thread
- 一缕阳光穿透了云层。A ray of sunlight pierced the clouds.
- 妊娠纹striae gravidarum
- 水纹ter wave
- 她理平了一两缕竖起来的头发。She patted down one or two unruly wisps of hair.
- 豹纹蝶fritillary
- 万缕丝Venetian lace
- 格纹check
- 一缕麻a strand of hemp
- 压纹emboss