- 向毒气谋杀者总统致纳粹礼Zieg heil to the president gasman
- 柏林一法院宣布,训练名为阿道夫的狗抬起右爪子行纳粹礼的一个德国人因近年来一连串此类事件而被指控违反了德国的反纳粹法律。BERLIN (Reuters) - A German man who taught his dog Adolf to give the Hitler salute by raising his right paw has been charged with violating Germany's anti-Nazi laws for a series of incidents in recent years, a Berlin court said on Wednesday.
- 礼propriety
- 纳粹Nazi
- 有礼politeness
- 礼包gift bag
- 好礼to thoroughly like propriety
- 纳粹党Nazi Party
- 割礼circumcision
- 纳粹主义Nazism
- 同盟国最终粉碎了纳粹的战争机器。The Allies finally smashed the Nazi war machine.
- 顶礼膜拜pay homage to
- 北欧人在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人,尤指北欧人In Nazism, a Caucasian Gentile, especially of Nordic type.
- 她的无礼使我大为恼火。Her rudeness really made me savage.
- 他们同纳粹德国作战长达几年。For many years they warred against Nazi Germany.
- 我不能容忍你的无礼行为。I cannot tolerate your bad manners.
- 盟军把法国从纳粹手里解放了出来。Allied armies liberated France from the Nazis.
- 她给了他一个无礼的答复。She gave him a flippant answer.
- 纳粹对犹太人的经济垄断。the economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party.
- 颁奖礼awards ceremony