- 姐姐从洗衣盆抬起红脸膛望着他。His sister lifted a flushed face from the wash-tub and looked at him
- 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways.
- 红脸膛的埃及人扛着口袋,踉踉跄跄踱着。Shouldering their bags they trudged, the red Egyptians
- 一个粗壮的红脸膛中年人(温斯顿 丘吉尔)。a portly, rubicund man of middle age(Winston Churchill.
- 那荷兰人身高六英尺,大块头,红脸膛,暴脾气,简直是一头拉车的公牛。The Dutchman was six-foot, a great, red-faced, hot-tempered trek-ox of a man.
- 猪肉铺老板从那堆报纸上麻利地拿起两张,将她那上好的腊肠包起来,红脸膛咧嘴一笑。The porkbutcher snapped two sheets from the pile, wrapped up her prime sausages and made a red grimace.
- 红酒red wine
- 红人a favourite by sb. in power
- 红字rubrication
- 腮红blusher
- 斗士古铜色的脸膛顿时涨得通红。A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator.
- 红地毯red carpet
- 他整理了头发,脸膛通红,还有几块白斑。His hair was combed and his face was red with white patches.
- 红葡萄酒vin rouge
- 她的牙齿在褐色脸膛映衬下显得洁白明亮。Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face.
- 玫瑰红rose colour
- 他整理了头发,脸膛通红,还有几块白斑。His hair was combed and his face was red with white patches.
- 红线redline
- 克里克先生脸膛赤红,两只小眼睛深深地眍?着。Mr. Creakle's face was fiery, and his eyes were small and deep in his head.
- 玫红rhodo