- 我要用这笔奖金支付部分学费。I will use the prize money to help pay for my education.
- 公司在年底宣布红利甚丰。The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.
- 他们在讨论怎样分红利。They are discussing how to whack up the profits.
- 奖金分给那些努力工作的人。The reward money was apportioned among those who worked very hard.
- 公布一笔奖金to advertise a reward
- 算出你应得的红利是多少What do your share of the bonus work out at
- 提供奖金exhibit a prize
- 无红利,无股息ex dividend
- 工人们期待着在圣诞节得到一大笔奖金。The workers are expecting a large Christmas bonus.
- 不支付(红利)To fail to pay(a dividend).
- 保险奖金insurance premium
- 银行要我们削减高级职员的薪金,停付红利,如此等等。The banks wanted us to cut executive pay, skip dividends, and all the rest.
- 报偿奖金consideration money
- 双红利double dividend
- 有3名学生争夺这份奖金。Three students contended for the prize.
- 红利银行bonus bank
- 奖金制度也要恢复。The bonus system should also be reinstated.
- 红利策略dividend strategy
- 由二人分享的奖金the prize shared by the two
- 支付红利dividend-paying