- 系列series
- 年,佛罗里达州棕榈港的理查德·马洛里,因为给艾琳·乌尔诺斯搭了个便车而成为女性系列谋杀案的第一个受害者。Richard Mallory of Palm Harbor, Florida, takes a ride with Aileen Wuornos before becoming the female serial killer's first victim.
- 一系列a series of
- 谋杀案murder case
- 一系列的a series of ...
- 系列产品line products
- 这桩谋杀案有没有见证人?Were there any eyewitnesses to the murder crime?
- 产品系列product line
- 故事以一件谋杀案开始。The story opens with a murder.
- 政府对那件谋杀案的报告只是一派胡言。The government report about the murder was nothing but hogwash.
- 系列号serial number
- 肯尼迪谋杀案的官方报导是掩饰之辞。The official report on the Kennedy assassination was whitewash.
- 全系列complete series
- 陪审团宣告他与这件谋杀案毫无牵连。The jury acquitted him of all complicity in that murder.
- 我开始着手一系列访问。I commence a round of visit.
- 史密斯被认为是该谋杀案的从犯。Mr Smith was believed to be an accessory to the murder.
- 同系列homologous series
- 你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况?Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?
- 系列的[经] serial
- 此人临死时才承认这起谋杀案是他所为。At his last gasp the man confessed to the murder.