- 米rice
- 米粞fine broken rice
- 粞ground rice
- 百米hektometer
- 千米kilometer
- 糠粞分离floury product separation
- 西米sago
- 粞热水生菌thermus aquaticus
- 糠粞分离方筛Square sifter for bran and tips separation
- 糠粞分离器floury product separator
- 米白off-white; shell
- 风力糠粞分离器Pneumatic separator for floury products
- 米线rice stick
- 吉米jimmy
- 米糠浸出油厂糠粞分离的必要性及其工艺探讨Necessity of bran and tips separation and its separation technology for rice bran oil extraction plant
- 米雪snow grains
- 米高BRAT
- 十米dekameter(-tre)
- 榻榻米tatami
- 大约20分钟后,莉茜成功地将??约杭澳宪缋?鐾募钡暮铀??酱镆淮?细叩牡胤剑?堑胤较衷谙袷且黄?粞笾械男〉骸About 20 minutes later, Lizzie managed to successfully pull herself and Nancy out of the raging water and onto a bit of high land, a small island now in the middle of acres of white water.