- 粗鳞蜡螟Trachylepidia fructicassiella
- 突吻鲸beaked whale
- 突吻犁头鳐Shovelnose guitarfish
- 北美洲前额程球根状的突吻鲸。North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead.
- 齿鲸;海豚;长吻鲸;抹香鲸;突吻鲸。toothed whales: dolphins; porpoises; sperm whales; beaked whales.
- 鳞scales (of fish)
- 粗的thick
- 突to dash
- 吻别kiss good-bye
- 黑线鳕haddock
- 粗线pachynema
- 他们正在用拖网捕鳕。They are trawling for cod.
- 粗钢crude steel
- 其它有齿鲸包括宽吻海豚、突吻鲸以及白鲸。Other toothed whales are the bottlenose, the beaked whale, and the white whale.
- 鳞癌squamous carcinoma
- 粗品crude product
- 拥吻embrace and kiss
- 鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma
- 粗砂grit
- 突触synapse