- 别粗手粗脚地搬坏家具。Don't bang the furniture about
- 不要粗手粗脚地搬坏了家具。Don't bang the furniture about.
- 想起在她的终身大事上佩尼曼太太曾那样粗手粗脚的胡搞一气,心里觉得十分厌恶。She was sickened at the thought that Mrs. Penniman had been let loose, as it were, upon her happiness.
- 粗手笨脚地弄糟make a butchery of
- 我爬进那只宽底粗脚的老式大澡盆里。I got in the big old wide-bottomed tub with the lion's feet.
- 手粗硬的hardhanded
- 粗手粗脚地摆弄maul
- 虽是辆新自行车,但它看上去好像被人粗手重脚地使用过。Though this is a new bicycle,it looks as if it's been bashed around.
- 当一名绅士的难处之一是,不容许粗声粗气地主张自己的权利。One of the embarrassment of be a gentleman be that you be not permit to be violent in assert your rights.
- 粗的thick
- 玛丽非常机敏,你无法用一种站不住脚的理由使她信服。Mary is no mug and you won't convince her with a feeble excuse like that.
- 站不住脚的untenable
- 粗线pachynema
- 粗钢crude steel
- 粗品crude product
- 他笨手笨脚的又邋遢;可是话说回来,他总是乐於助人。He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help.
- 粗砂grit
- 粗体字full-face type
- 粗纤维over sized fibres
- 他的新理论是站得住脚的。His new theory is tenable.