- 庸鲽,大比目鱼拟庸鲽属和有关科属的可食用大比目鱼,生活在太平洋或大西洋北部水域Any of several large, edible flatfishes of the genus Hippoglossus and related genera, of northern Atlantic or Pacific waters.
- 拟庸鲽sole
- 太平洋拟庸鲽flathead flounder
- "比目鱼,孙鲽:一种比目鱼,主要是黄盖鲽属和拟庸鲽属的鱼类,与鲽鱼有关而且很相似.""dab:any of various flatfishes, chiefly of the genera Limanda and Hippoglossoides, related to and resembling the flounders."
- 拟庸鲽属和有关科属的可食用大比目鱼,生活在太平洋或大西洋北部水域any of several large,edible flatfishes of the genus Hippoglossus and related genera,of northern Atlantic or Pacific waters
- 欧鲽其它生长在北美洲大西洋水域中比目鱼,如美洲拟庸鲽,与欧鲽有亲缘关系Any of various flatfishes,such as Hippoglossoides platessoides of North American Atlantic waters,related to the plaice.
- 矮而粗壮地stockily
- 拟庸蝶plaice
- 拟人化personate
- 拟制draw up
- 庸鲽halibut
- 拟合曲线fitting curve
- 欧鲽一种生长在西欧水域中的可食的海生大比目鱼(鲽鲽科)A large edible marine flatfish(Pleuronectes platessa) of western European waters.
- 海鲽sea dab
- 酬庸recompense; reward
- 拟方案lay a scheme
- 庸夫mediocre person
- 檬鲽lemon sole
- 拟人的anthropopathic
- 时间过得真快,转眼间你就将中学毕业,并拟于秋季进入州立大学了!How time flies! Here you are graduating from high school and planning to attend State University in the fall.