- 病毒virus
- 类病毒viroid
- 汉坦病毒RNARNA of hantavirus
- 丙型肝炎病毒RNAHCV RNA
- 类病毒子pseudoviron
- 果树病毒RNA的二氧化硅提取法Improved RNA Virus Extraction From Fruit Trees by Silica Capture
- 用逆转录套式pcr检测风疹病毒RNADetection of rubella virus gene sequences by RT-nested PCR
- 类病毒颗粒viruslike particle
- cDNA探针检测柯萨奇B_3病毒RNAHalf quantitative detection of Coxsackic B-3 virus RNA by dot-blot hybridisation with photobiotin-la-belled probe
- 用PCR法检测心肌活检标本中柯萨奇病毒RNA探究PCR Detection for Specific Fragment of RNA of Coxsackie Viruses in Cardiac Muscle Biopsy Specimen from Myocarditis Patients
- 葡萄类病毒grapevine viroids
- 流感病毒RNA聚合酶的结构和功能研究进展Structural and functional aspects of influenza virus RNA polymerase
- 柑桔类病毒Citrus viroid(CVd)
- 基因芯片法对丙型肝炎病毒RNA的基因型分析To analyze genotype of HCV RNA with gene chip
- 嘧肽霉素影响烟草花叶病毒RNA蓄积量的研究Influence of Cytosinpeptidemycin on the Accumulation of Tobacco Mosaic Virus RNA in Tobacco Leaves
- 孤生类病毒粒子orphan pseudovirion
- 原位RT-PCR法检测柯萨奇B病毒RNA的实验研究Experimental study on detection of viral RNA of Coxsackie virus B by means of in situ RT PCR
- 家蚕质型多角体病毒RNA聚合酶的基因克隆及鉴定Cloning and Identification for the RNA Polymerase Gene of Bombyx mori Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus
- 裂皮类病毒Citrus exocortis Viroid
- 无菌性脑膜炎患者脑脊液中肠道病毒RNA的检测分析Analysis on the detection of enterovirus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with aseptic meningitis