- 米歇尔·福柯Michel Foucault
- 福柯Foucault
- 福柯的绘画观The View on Painting of Foucault
- 福柯的几个基本概念Several Fundamental Conceptions of Foucault
- 福柯与英文界的汉学Foucault and Anglophone Chinese Studies
- 米歇尔:嗯,那实在不大好。为什么不试试把化妆品锁起来?Michelle: Hm, that's not very nice. Why don't you try locking it up?
- 倾听关于启蒙的对话:康德与福柯Listening Attentively to the Dialogue about Enlightenment: Kant and Foucault
- 我喜欢米歇尔主持的节目。I like the programme hosted by Michelle.
- 福柯及其"异托邦"对建筑学的启示The Architectural Enlightenment from Michel Foucault and His "Heterotopia"
- 每一颗心都急得怦怦乱跳,只有米歇尔·阿当是一个例外。All hearts beat with disquietude, save only the heart of Michel Arden.
- 主体价值论:从康德到福柯与马克思The Value Theory of the Subject: From Kant to Foucault and Marx
- 米歇尔·阿当决定怂恿他们和解。Michel Ardan determined to effect their reconciliation.
- 福柯与法兰克福学派审美功能观比较Aesthetic Function: a Comparison between M.Foucault and the Frankfurt School
- 米歇尔·莫里斯MAURICE, Michel
- 从"历史先天"来看福柯的知识考古学An Investigation of Foucault's Archaeology from the Perspective of "Historical a Priori"
- 米歇尔·卡凡多KAFANDO, Michel
- "人之死"的路径与归宿:福柯与庄子的比较The pathway and destination of "Man passed away"-- A comparison of Foucault and Zhuang Zi
- 米歇尔·塞尔韦SERVAIS, Michel
- 米歇尔·厄普顿UPTON, Michel J.
- 在凝视的帝国:福柯与20世纪法国思想对视觉的贬损In the Empire of the Gaze: Foucault and the Denigration of Vision in 20th Century French Thought