- 拉斐尔风格的绘画a painting in the manner of Raphael
- 米rice
- 拉斐尔成套新古代战装New Nexus outfit for Raphael
- 柏米拉真是天真烂漫哪!她总是在大人面前显得甜美纯洁。Pamela is such a goody two-shoes. She's always so sweet and innocent in front of the grown-ups.
- 国会任命拉斐特为大将军。The congress commissioned Lafayette a Major General.
- 拉伸stretching
- 斐(phonetic)
- 百米hektometer
- 千米kilometer
- 路易斯安娜大学拉斐特分校。University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
- 西米sago
- 考拉koala
- 米白off-white; shell
- 拉德rad(unit of absorbed dose)
- 米线rice stick
- 拉屎shit
- 吉米jimmy
- 拉的tensile
- 拉手knop
- 米雪snow grains